

Deri Jones

Performance Director

Now involved in leading eCommerce technology across 50 UK (and beyond ) household names, and a fan of Lex Fridman, and The Rest is History podcasts, Deri began with studying Electronics at Cambridge University, and early roles in semiconductor and fibre-optic systems, spending time in the Far East, as both Engineer and later product marketer. Deri moved to Canterbury in 1993 to head up the UK’s first ISP: spinning it off from the University of Kent computer lab. Companies were modem-dialling Canterbury for email and newsgroups. Yes, the UK Internet started in Canterbury not London – not a lot of people know that! Ask about the stories of the wild-west early years of the Internet, and the NHSnet and etc. Deri grew the organisation until acquisition from the USA, and then set up an internet security specialist, and grew the company to a 7 figure acquisition.

In 2003 he set up thinkTribe now partnering with the ecom teams at 50 household name brands to reduce Lost Baskets 24/7 caused by business logic glitches, performance/speed variation and errors that users daily experience. Every eCom portal has bugs – tech corner cases caused by every site’s complexity, having so many software components (and tech teams) in the mix.

Digital change is de-risked and accelerated; delivered through a managed SaaS CX 247 performance and fitness-for-purpose monitoring & Peak Capacity CX Load testing services – delivered from a powerful software engine, by experts.

Reducing the C-level digital pain of many-teams-to-manage; which is a daily challenge when solving online
problems that require the coordination of the many in-house and 3rd-party plugin tech teams. Ie ‘Uniting the
Tribes’ around the indisputable metrics of true CX ‘Is it really working the way it was intended’.


16:35 - 16:45

In this captivating talk, Deri Jones, a leading voice in data-driven marketing, unveils the secrets to success in the dynamic world of e-commerce. Discover how he champions clear and concise communication strategies that cut through the clutter. Deri Jones shares his insights on maintaining a consistently positive and approachable tone in marketing.